You create.
You innovate.
Let’s protect your work.
Wij ondersteunen ondernemingen bij het beschermen van hun intellectuele eigendom, via deskundige begeleiding door business-minded experts. Dat doen we wereldwijd. Zo kan jouw onderneming innoveren en groeien zonder belemmerd te worden door juridische complexiteit.
At, we make sure you get value in return for your efforts. Graphic designers, inventors, innovative companies, startups, musicians, architects, … we provide anyone who creates or innovates with tailor-made legal assistance at a tailor-made price. Accessible and with an approach that is 2020’s proof.
Founding manager Thierry Van Ransbeeck uses technology to provide legal services efficiently. This philosophy is at odds with the inefficiency-as-goal mentality too often seen at traditional legal service providers. The traditional focus on quality is not lost, however. A keen eye for detail, broad legal knowledge and a tailor-made approach are the cornerstones of our service.

Contact us for a free intake meeting. We listen to your problems and wishes. This allows us to adapt our services to your needs.
Your chance of succesfully registering a trademark, getting a contract signed or winning a legal procedure might be low. We tell you beforehand, not after you’ve made unnecessary costs.
We know the legal jargon, but we don’t need it to impress you. You can expect clear and concrete communication from us. This through the channels you prefer: e-mail, telephone, Skype, WhatsApp, …
Extensive process automation allows us to charge a very competitive rate. Additionally, in many cases we offer a ‘DIY’ option, where we only guide you, resulting in a lower final cost.