Who is Jazz.legal?

Since 2022 Ilina holds a Master’s degree in Law from KU Leuven. She continued her academic journey by pursuing the European Master in Law and Economics.

She followed the Innovation and Intellectual Property track in Rotterdam, Ghent and India. This fueled her passion for both intellectual property and its international aspect.

She’s a member of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) and the International Trademark Association (INTA).

She loves nature and clears her head while jogging. Wich she always sets a new goal for. #RotterdamMarathon2024, here I come!



Pauline Hendrickx

As our Office Manager, Pauline takes on the non-legal tasks within Jazz.legal – and they are plenty. This allows our lawyers to focus on legal work.

Pauline finds it important that communication within and with Jazz.legal runs smoothly. She prefers to do this in a spontaneous and cordial manner.

As a young mother her spare time is sparse, but she enjoys spending time in her the garden or meeting with friends.
