Trademark watches


After securing your rights, you’ll want to ensure that others don’t infringe on them.

We offer the following services:

Trademark watches

Some countries’ trademark offices will search their trademark registers for similar earlier trademarks when a new mark is applied for. This is the case in the US and China, for instance.

Most countries and regions don’t, however. Among others the Benelux and EU trademark offices lay the responsibility of detecting infringing applications on the trademark owner.

This is done in a trademark watch: following up on all new trademark applications in a certain region, to quickly respond to any infringement. Delayed action only results in problems: from higher costs to loss of rights.

Contact about trademark watching options

Internet and social media monitoring

Monitoring trademark registers is essential, but monitoring the internet is useful too. Websites and social media offer a quick and cheap way to offer counterfeit. A lack of active monitoring allows this type of counterfeit to fly under the radar.

Contact us to receive an internet and social media monitoring cost estimate.

Contact about social media monitoring